2024年12月9日 星期一


        广州血液中心携手AME出版社,于2016年11月共同创办了国内第一个有关血液的英文学术期刊Annals of Blood简称AOB,中文名称《血液年鉴》,期刊号ISSN 2521-361X,官网http://aob.amegroups.com)。由广州血液中心付涌水教授担任主编,南方医科大学黎诚耀教授担任副主编。内容涵盖输血医学、血液学、血液病及其它分支的相关话题,采用同行评议,开放获取, 在线出版模式。目前期刊共有34位国际编委和将近50位青年编委(Section Editor),编委中包括本领域内国际著名专家,如Kenrad E. Nelson(约翰霍普金斯大学终身教授)、Jean-Pierre Allain(剑桥大学院士)、Paul M.Ness(约翰霍普金斯大学教授,Transfusion杂志主编),Sentot Sentoso(ISBT血小板免疫工作小组前主席),Hua Shan(斯坦福大学教授)等。目前AOB已发表文章70余篇,运行良好。2018年4月AOB期刊已申请加入Pubmed数据库,预计2019年上半年能在Pubmed数据库检索到所发表的论文全文。
        The Annals of Blood (ISSN 2521-361X; Ann Blood; AOB) is the official journal of Guangzhou Blood Center, a nonprofit institute committed to clinical blood supply, scientific research and education related to transfusion medicine and hematology. In line with the Center’s principles, AOB aims at prompting the development in transfusion medicine and hematology research, and providing a professional platform for doctors and researchers around the world to share advanced research results, precious experience and inspiring ideas.
        AOB is an open-access, international peer-reviewed electronic journal, and openly distributed worldwide. It publishes Original Articles, Editorials, Technique Notes, Case Reports and Reviews on all aspects of transfusion medicine and hematology, covering transfusion clinical practice, immunohaematology, blood component collection and production, transfusion-transmitted diseases, immunogenetics, histocompatibility, haemostasis and all the other sub-specialties related to hematology. The journal features a distinguished editorial board, which brings together a team of highly experienced specialists in hematology.